Cook and Chat Torry pre session questionnaire

Closed 22 Jun 2024

Opened 27 May 2024


Confidence to Cook Programme- Week 1 Pre-course questionnaire for participants ( Cook, Taste and Share)

Cook 'n' Chat Torry is a cooking class for anyone who would like to learn how to make tasty wholesome meals using simple nutritious recipes. The sessions will include:

A  hands-on practical cooking experience where you will make, taste, and take away the meal you have made.

Fun quizzes and games and time to chat about things such as nutrition, food-labelling, alternative low cost methods of cooking eg slow cookers, microwave

An opportunity to use different methods of cooking for example, Airfryers

Venue: Torry St Fittick's Church, Walker Road, AB11 8DL                                      Date:  Sat 22nd June 2024, 10:00am - 12:00 noon


Please note that all responses to this questionnaire will remain anonymous.

Why your views matter

Please complete this questionnaire as it will help us to plan the cooking classes that help you.  Another questionnaire will be given to you to complete at the end of the 6 weeks session.  You will be able to compare your response at the start of the session with your response at the end of the session. This will help you to see your journey. This will help us to know if we have supported you to achieve your cooking goals and also help us to understand how we can support you going forward.

The classes we provide are funded.  Completing this questionnaire will help to ensure cooking classes continue to be funded. Funding will stop if we can not demonstrate the benefits to people attending the cooking sessions.  Please take time to complete the questionnaire.


Please register by clicking the link below. It takes  2-3mins to complete.

Thank you.


  • All Residents


  • Health and Wellbeing