Young Carers Post-Session Questionnaire

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Closes 29 Oct 2024


1. What kind of cooking do you do for you (and your family) at the moment? (Please tick as many boxes as appropriate)
2. What influences your cooking choice? (Please tick as many boxes as appropriate)
3. From a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 is not confident at all and 5 is very confident, please rate your confidence for the statement below
4. How often do you use convivence/take-away food?
5. Which of the following cooking skills do you feel that you have developed or improved? (please tick as many boxes as appropriate)
6. How much fluid do you drink a day (This includes water, tea, coffee, milk, fruit juice)
7. How many portions of fruit and vegetables are you currently eating in a day?
8. Have you requested or received support from a food bank during the last 6 months
9. If you answered yes to the previous question, did you know what to do with and how to cook the food items provided by the food bank?
10. Do you STILL have worries or concerns about coming to this food skills course?
11. If you answered yes to the previous question, could you tell us your worries and concerns? (please do not write anything which identifies you or other course participants)
There is a limit of 500 characters
12. Is there any dish that you really enjoyed? (Please do not really write anything which identifies you or other course participants)
There is a limit of 500 characters
13. What week of the course did you enjoy the most, and why? (please do not write anything which identifies you or other course participants)
There is a limit of 500 characters
14. Have there been any unexpected benefits from attending the course? (please do not write anything which identifies you or other course participants)
There is a limit of 500 characters

thank you very much for taking the time to complete this survey.