Very Sheltered Housing Meal Provision

Closed 7 Aug 2023

Opened 6 Jun 2023

Results expected 14 Aug 2023

Feedback expected 21 Aug 2023


This project seeks to understand the differences between how meals are ordered and paid for at the four very sheltered housing sites in Aberdeen.

We want to find out what is working well, and not so well, in respect of the provision of meals at these sites in order to make improvements, based on your feedback. 

Why your views matter

Your views matter as they will help identify where improvements can be made to the current arrangements for ordering and paying for meals. 

What happens next

When we have gathered the information, we would like to share our findings with everyone involved and who is interested to know what the concensus is on the ordering and payement of meals at the very sheltered housing sites.  


  • Tenants and Residents Associations


  • Adults and Older People