Employee Rep Registration - December

Closed 31 Jan 2018

Opened 6 Dec 2017


This space has been set up for you to formally register to become an Employee Rep. 

You will now have had an initial meet-and-greet to discuss the role the employee network seeks to play in supporting colleagues and the Transformation Programme. 

At the initial briefing, we discussed that there are many different ways you could be involved and this is entirely at your discretion. 

At the most basic level, you can commit to Inform. This means:  

1.     Sharing information: take responsibility for cascading corporate messages and ensuring that your team understand what support is available.

2.     Gathering Feedback:  gather ad hoc and formal feedback from your colleagues and get a sense of how they are feeling and inform the Transformation programme of comments and ideas on a monthly basis.

3.     Shaping the narrative: advise what messaging and language could be used in communications throughout Transformation. Help us understand what will really ‘speak’ to people .

4.     Constructively challenge: we need your honesty, your insights and your integrity.

At the next level, you can play a greater role in Transformation through by getting Involved. This means: 

1.     Take part in organising, leading and/ or promoting engagement events.

2.     Take a role in helping the communications team manage information.

3.     Play a role in helping to shape the support that is there for employees through change.

Finally, you can maximise your impact and really Influence the changing culture of the organisation as we move through Transformation. This means:  

1.  Undertake training and development in different areas such as learning how to teach relevant digital skills or learning how to improve ways of working through new methods.

2.  Work with teams to help develop these skills across pockets of the organisation

At this moment, you might not be certain about the level of commitment you are able to bring as an employee rep. This is perfectly fine and as the network begins to take shape, you can continue to consider how involved you would like to be. At this stage, we are looking for an early indication of the different roles you might like to play.

Please take the time to consider and let us know how you would like to move forward.


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