Come and Network Event 2024 Survey

Closed 23 May 2024

Opened 18 Apr 2024

Results expected 31 May 2024

Feedback expected 15 Jun 2024


The Come and Network Event planned for September 14th -19th, 2024 is an opportunity to network and promote your projects and to engage in informal learning activities to enhance volunteering.

This survey will contribute towards the design of the CAN event programme to align with organisational and individual volunteering needs .

Why your views matter

Your responses to the questions set out in this short survey will help us improve the quality of our analysis and support the CAN Event Steering Groups decision making.

Also this survey will contribute towards the effective volunteering support and collaboration throughout the city

What happens next

The results will contribute towards the analysis and decison making towards the design and planning of the CAN Event programme 2024



  • Campaign Groups
  • Community Councils
  • Community Organisations
  • Environmental Groups
  • Tenants and Residents Associations
  • Partner Agencies
  • Children and Young People
  • Councillors
  • LGBT People
  • Men
  • Minority Ethnic Groups
  • Older People
  • Parents and Carers
  • Students
  • Volunteers
  • Women
  • Young People


  • Community Planning
  • Council Processes
  • Local Democracy
  • Local Services
  • Policies and Strategies
  • Budgets and Spending
  • Digital and Technology
  • Adult and Community Education
  • Environment
  • Climate Change
  • Tenant Participation