Central PNP Community Ideas

Closed 31 Jan 2023

Opened 7 Nov 2022


In 2021 the Local Outcome Improvement Plan (LOIP) was refreshed. This led onto the Locality Plan (LP) being updated in the new year.  As part of this process the Community were asked for ideas around what might be implemented to support the delivery of the LP and subsequently the LOIP.

We now have over 40 ideas and now need the communities assistance to identify which ones should be taken forward first.

Why your views matter

The LOIP and LP was created with the engagment of the Community, as were the Community Ideas in its refresh. As such, as part of ongoing engagement and involvement it is important that Community has opportunity to direct what should be taken forward.

What happens next

The results will be collated and reported to the Priority Neighbourhood Parntership (PNP) for consideration and action.



  • All Residents


  • Community Planning