Expression of Interest Summer Programme 2022

Closed 15 May 2022

Opened 9 May 2022


Briefing on the Summer Programme for 2022 


Aberdeen City Council has been awarded £279,267 from the Scottish Government to augment the provision of activities, childcare and food for children aged 5-14 years old from low income families. The aim is to enhance equity by widening opportunities for children from low income families to play, socialise, get active and access a range of activities that broaden their experiences, supplement their learning and deliver positive outcomes, integrating food provision wherever possible.   

The 2022 Summer Holiday Programme should be viewed as a bridge between the 2021 Summer of Play offer and future holiday provision, aligned with the wider school age childcare expansion being planned nationally. It should retain what worked well last year while beginning to embed new practices to test the changes required to aid development of a year-round system of School Age Childcare and meals provision by the end of this parliament. 

Approach for summer 2022 

A place based offer is encouraged so that families are able to access a range of supports including regulated childcare, unregulated activities and wider family support.  In real terms this could see community based assets, the local authority, Out of School care providers; youth work; ALEOs and third sector organisations all working together to provide activities and food to target groups of children and young people over the summer holiday period.  Children might access a mix of bespoke programmes over the holiday period including childcare, sporting activities and a range of supports in their local community centre. Most activities will take place in our three priority areas although the funding can be used to purchase spaces for eligible children within existing local services alongside paid-for provision to eliminate stigma.  

We are looking for partners to provide us with information on the type of activities already planned and for an indication of what else you would be able to provide with some additional funding so that we can start to work with communities to develop the programme.   

Target Groups 

The funding is aimed at children aged 5-14 from low income households.  Given that around 9 in 10 children living in poverty are from households with one or more of the following family characteristics, 85% of the funding (£237,376) is to be targeted at these groups: 

  • Children from lone parent families 

  • Children from ethnic minority families 

  • Children from families with a disabled adult or child 

  • Children from families with a young mother (under 25) 

  • Children from families with a child under 1 year old 

  • Children from larger families (3+ children) 

The remaining 15% of the funding can be used flexibly to reach other children. This provision is being coordinated separately.  

Co-design with target groups 

We intend to consult with those who will access summer holiday provision to determine the type of activities/supports most likely to meet their needs.  When all options are available, we will work with communities to take decisions on where funding is allocated.  This will allow us to enable the communities to take decisions on how the grant is spent and directly inform funding allocations to partners.  This could mean that families in one priority area seek a higher proportion of full day childcare provision for example than others or that others seek a higher proportion of full day sports camps.  In real terms this will mean that local offers in each of our three priority areas will be slightly different and take account of the needs of the priority groups living there. 

The number of children and young people living in each priority area will be reviewed to inform allocations. Initial analysis suggests that children and young people living in Northfield, Middlefield, Mastrick, Cummings Park and Heathryfold will benefit from around 40% of the funding, that those living in Tillydrone, Woodside and Seaton will benefit from 35% and that children living in Torry will benefit from the remaining 25%. These nominal allocations will be used to ensure that resource is allocated equitably.  Commissioning will be undertaken centrally as there are clear economies of scale by doing so. 

There is an expectation that those who secure funding adopt a co-design approach with the children and young people so that children, young people and families directly inform the offer they receive. 

Provision of food 

Consideration should be given to tackling food insecurity and promoting healthy relationships with food through the provision of nutritious and economical food preparation and provision where possible. The food on offer should be culturally appropriate, helping to demonstrate inclusion and to reduce barriers to participation. Working closely with local food suppliers should be encouraged to support local economies and reduce food miles.  

All food provided as part of the programme must: 

  • comply with regulations on food preparation:  

  • take into account allergies and dietary requirements (see the allergy guidance for schools)  

  • take into account any religious or cultural requirements for food 

  • comply with food standards and safety including those in the Nutritional Requirements for Food and Drink in Schools (Scotland) Regulations 2020   

Further detail can also be found in the Healthy Eating in Schools 2020 guidance which is statutory guidance designed to support 

Staff, Volunteer and Service User Safety  

Partners should have appropriate processes for safeguarding, child protection and data protection in relation to employees, volunteers and the people they are supporting. 


Expressions of interest are being invited by Sunday 15th May 2022 

The analysis of target groups will be completed by Friday 20th May 2022. 

Engagement with communities to determine funding allocations will conclude by Monday 30th May 2022. 

Awards to be shared with partners by 3rd June 2022. 

Communication with families 

The grant conditions for summer 2022 are quite different from those of summer 2021 where all children and young people were able to book places after the priority bookings period. We are keen to highlight the number of paid for services which will be operating over the summer holiday period so that those who are not eligible are aware of the opportunities and ask for your permission to highlight planned programmes to families across the city. 

Please note organisations and groups need to either have their own bank account or have identified a bank account to hold funds, if allocated. 

Priviacy Notice 

Your data: Summer Programme 2022 activities listing and expression of interest | Aberdeen City Council



  • Community Organisations


  • Sport and Activities