Northfield Primary Schools Feasibility Study

Closed 16 Jun 2023

Opened 17 Apr 2023


The Council is carrying out a feasibility study between March and June 2023, to identify potential options for reducing the number of primary schools in the Northfield Associated Schools Group (ASG). To help inform the outcomes of the feasibility study, we are inviting comments and feedback from pupils, parents, staff, community groups and all other stakeholders, on the options available, and the potential impact of these options on individual schools and communities. This valuable feedback will be used to help inform the outcomes of the feasibility study and potential next steps.


Why your views matter

The feasibility study will be used to identify what options are available to the Council, and it will set out the advantages and disadvantages of each option.

We would like to know your initial thoughts on the options identified to date, which are outlined in the attached information paper (see related documents below).




What happens next

A report, summarising the submissions received and the Council's response to those submissions, will be presented to a future meeting of the Education and Children's Services Committee in September 2023.


  • All Residents


  • Planning