Traffic flow on Deeview Road South

Closed 9 Mar 2021

Opened 17 Feb 2021


There have been on-going community concerns over road safety on Deeview Road South (narrow widths of the carriageway/footway, its layout, bends/blind spots etc.); specifically, between its junctions with St. Devenick's Place and Loirsbank Road, there has been concern over the potential for collisions between opposing motor vehicles, while also highlighting the vulnerability of pedestrians who may be on the adjacent narrow footway; the suggestion being that a ‘one way’ system could enhance road safety. In this respect, one-way systems can be beneficial in terms of removing the possibility for conflict, however, they can also have negative impacts in terms of convenience / accessibility, possible increased vehicle speeds, and displaced vehicles onto adjacent roads. Accordingly, we would welcome the views of nearby residents served by this road. For information, the modern default position with a one-way system is cyclists should be allowed to continue in both directions wherever possible, so a cycle contraflow would be considered as part of any design process.

Why your views matter

We are consulting in order to determine the overall opinion of residents in the immediate area, we would like to know residents' view/thoughts on this matter.

What happens next

Officers will collate and analyse the feedback received, the survey will be sorted according to the option selected by residents. The next course of action will be dependent on the most popular option. For example, if majority of the people wants nothing done, Officers will take no further action. However, if majority wants a One Way system introduced, Officers will progress with a Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) process. During this process, various levels of consultation will be carried out, including public consultation, if this proposal is objected to, a report will be sent to the Operational Delivery Committe where the final decision will be made.

In summary, the feedback collected through this survey will determine whether a TRO for the introduction of a One Way system on Deeview Road South will be promoted.


  • Community Councils
  • All Residents


  • Community Safety
  • Council Processes
  • Roads and Pavements
  • Traffic