Low Emission Zone Publication

Closed 28 Nov 2021

Opened 1 Nov 2021


Under the powers granted by the Transport (Scotland) Act 2019, and in accordance with The Low Emission Zones (Emission Standards, Exemptions and Penalty Charges) (Scotland) Regulations 2021 and The Low Emission Zones (Scotland) Regulations 2021, Aberdeen City Council proposes to introduce a Low Emission Zone (LEZ) in Aberdeen from 30th May 2022.

The LEZ will be an area of Aberdeen City Centre where the most polluting road vehicles will be unable to enter. The aim of the LEZ is to improve air quality within the City Centre Air Quality Management Area to ensure compliance with the Scottish Government’s air quality objectives, particularly for nitrogen dioxide (NO2) emissions.

A plan of the proposed LEZ boundary can be viewed below. 

A larger scale copy of the map can also be downloaded from the links below, along with our 'Proposal to make a LEZ scheme' which describes why we are introducing a LEZ and lists the streets which fall within the proposed LEZ. 

Also available below are:

  • The National Low Emission Framework (NLEF) Stage 2 report which describes in detail how the proposed LEZ has been arrived at;
  • The Traffic Modelling report, showing the anticipated traffic impacts of the LEZ;
  • The Air Quality Assessment which identifies the anticipated air quality impacts of the LEZ;
  • The Consultation Report, summarising the outcomes of public and stakeholder engagement on a preferred option and how this has influenced final proposals;
  • The Objection Report, summarising the outcomes of the formal objection period and how the Council has responded to these;
  • Supporting Impact Assessments of the proposed LEZ - Integrated Impact Assessment and Island Communities Impact Assessment; and
  • A report into COVID uncertainties and how these have been factored into LEZ planning throughout Scotland.

Following the completion of the formal objection period in November 2021, the Council intends to submit the revised scheme for Scottish Ministers approval. 

Why your views matter

The final LEZ has been informed by two rounds of public and stakeholder consultation, ongoing engagement with key stakeholders and the outcomes of a formal objection period. We would like to thank all those who submitted responses and engaged with us in helping us determine the final LEZ for Aberdeen.



  • Businesses
  • Retailers
  • Campaign Groups
  • Community Councils
  • Environmental Groups
  • Partner Agencies
  • All Residents
  • Bus Users
  • Cyclists
  • Shoppers
  • Taxi Users
  • Drivers
  • Pedestrians
  • People With Disabilities
  • ACC Customers
  • Carers
  • Children and Young People
  • Councillors
  • Housing Tenants
  • Road Users


  • Economic Development
  • Retail
  • Business Support
  • Local Democracy
  • Local Services
  • Policies and Strategies
  • Environment
  • Sustainable Development
  • Climate Change
  • Cycling
  • Parking
  • Public Transport
  • Roads and Pavements
  • Traffic
  • Transport
  • Travel
  • Walking
  • City Centre Masterplan