Aberdeen Local Development Plan - Proposed Plan 2020

Closed 31 Aug 2020

Opened 20 May 2020


Aberdeen City Council has published the Aberdeen Local Development Plan: Proposed Plan 2020

The planning system in Scotland seeks to deliver sustainable healthy communities, and balance social, environmental and economic need. For this to happen there needs to be an up to date Local Development Plan. 

A Local Development Plan sets out locations for new homes and businesses, identifies areas for protection, and ensures facilities for good quality of life are in place - such as public transport, schools and open space. The allocations and policies in development plans affect everyday life, for example, how people travel, where people live, shop, work and spend their leisure time.

The Local Development Plan also has to assist in tackling global and national challenges such as climate change, loss of biodiversity and inequalities in health and wellbeing. 

The Proposed Plan was agreed at Full Council on 02 March 2020. It outlines the Council's vision for how the city should grow.

Why your views matter

The Proposed Plan 2020 sets a vision for Aberdeen up to 2032. The consultation allows you to have your say on the future of Aberdeen and make your representations to us.

The Proposed Plan 2020 will become the Aberdeen Local Development Plan 2022.

The Delivery Programme sets out how Aberdeen City Council proposes to implement the Aberdeen Local Development Plan 2022. It sets out, where possible:

  • A list of actions required to deliver each of the Plan’s proposals and the policies to promote sustainable growth;
  • The name of the person/organisation who is to carry out the action; and
  • The broad timescale for carrying out each action.

The Environmental Report comprises the Strategic Environmental Assessment and the Habitats Regulation Appraisal. 

Representations including comments, support or objections to the Proposed Plan 2020, Delivery Programme and Environmental Report can be made through our online survey. The documents can be found at the 'Related' section below, or online at our webpage.

Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic there will be no public meetings or drop-in sessions for the period of the lockdown and the duration of the national policy on social and physical distancing. Where possible, correspondence, communication and publicity (including public inspection of documents) will be by electronic meansWe can be contacted on email at ldp@aberdeencity.gov.uk 

What happens next

At the end of the consultion all representaions will be summarised. 

Any unresolved issues will be passed to the Department of Planning and Environmental Appeals where a Reporter will be appointed to examine the Proposed Plan. 

We hope to adopt the Aberdeen Local Development Plan in 2022.


  • Anyone from any background


  • Development
  • Planning