Westhill to Aberdeen - Active Travel Improvements
Aberdeen City Council, in partnership with Aberdeenshire Council and Nestrans, is looking at opportunities for transport improvements between Westhill and Aberdeen.
We are currently seeking the views of members of the public and stakeholders on proposals to improve routes for walking, wheeling and cycling.
What happens next
The feedback received will help us identify a preferred package of improvements for reporting to Council Committee. If these are approved, we will then undertake the next stage of assessment, which is developing the Outline Business Case, where costs and impacts will be assessed in more detail.
- Businesses
- Retailers
- Campaign Groups
- Community Councils
- Community Organisations
- Developers
- Environmental Groups
- All Residents
- Cyclists
- Shoppers
- Drivers
- Pedestrians
- People With Disabilities
- ACC Customers
- Children and Young People
- Older People
- Road Users
- Economic Development
- Retail
- Community Safety
- Community Planning
- Primary Schools
- Secondary Schools
- Biodiversity
- Environment
- Sustainable Development
- Climate Change
- Natural Heritage
- Disabilities
- Sport and Activities
- Cycling
- Parking
- Public Transport
- Roads and Pavements
- Traffic
- Transport
- Travel
- Walking
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