2024 Tenant Satisfaction Survey

Closed 12 May 2024

Opened 15 Apr 2024


Let us know your views on the housing system. 

As a social landlord, the Scottish Housing Regulator requires that Aberdeen City Council must carry out a Tenant Satisfaction Survey at least once every 3 years. 

The last survey was conducted in 2021 and found that the majority of tenants (62.7%) were satisfied with the overall service provided. 

All tenants are therefore invited to take part and share how they feel about the current housing service provided and help identify areas for improvement. 

The survey will be open until Sunday 12th May and should only take a few minutes to complete. 



  • Housing Associations
  • Tenants and Residents Associations
  • Housing Tenants


  • Local Services
  • Social Housing
  • Housing Support
  • Tenant Participation