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416 results

  • Replacement Riverbank School

    Information/Engagement Event to view early designs for the new Replacement Riverbank School with Early Years Provision (which is proposed on the site of former Tillydrone Primary School and part of former St Machar School site). More
    Closed 4 October 2019
  • Bookbug Sessions - Aberdeen City Libraries September 2019

    Bookbug is the Scottish Government funded early years gifting programme which aims to support the development of language and literacy skills. It is delivered in Aberdeen by Aberdeen City Libraries, working in partnership with health and education professionals. Bookbug sessions are an essential part of the programme. These story, song and rhyme sessions for children aged 0-5,their parents and carers, are held in libraries across Aberdeen. Aberdeen City Libraries regularly seeks... More
    Closed 11 October 2019
  • Aberdeen's Hydrogen Buses 2019

    The Aberdeen hydrogen bus project has seen 10 hydrogen powered vehicles introduced into the existing Stagecoach and First bus fleets in Aberdeen, and has been operational since March 2015. The project has also delivered a state-of-the-art hydrogen refuelling station built in the centre of Aberdeen, which produces hydrogen on site via electrolysis (the splitting of water into hydrogen and oxygen). The buses are zero emission vehicles with only water produced at the tailpipe. To find out... More
    Closed 18 October 2019
  • Bridge of Don to City Centre Active Travel Corridor- Options Appraisal Study

    Aberdeen City Council is in the process of undertaking a review of walking and cycling (active travel) routes between Bridge of Don and the City Centre. The project aims to identify improvements for walking and cycling connections in a north-south direction from the area north of the river Don, south to the city centre. The diagram below shows an overview of the study area. Overview of Study Area More
    Closed 30 October 2019
  • NESCol Students Demonstration Bookbug Session

    Citizen Space collation of paper forms completed by students at demonstration event 29.10.19. More
    Closed 5 November 2019
  • Sexual Entertainment Venue Licensing

    Aberdeen City Council Consultation on the Licensing of Sexual Entertainment Venues (SEVs) Introduction The Scottish Government has introduced legislation giving Councils a discretionary power to licence Sexual Entertainment Venues (SEVs) in their area. What is an SEV? A Sexual Entertainment Venue (SEV) is defined as any premises at which sexual entertainment is provided... More
    Closed 20 November 2019
  • Granite City Growing: Aberdeen Growing Food Together

    This consultation is intended to gather views on 'Granite City Growing: Aberdeen Growing Food Together'. We are consulting on both the draft food-growing strategy and its environmental report. Relevant text is reproduced within the consultation. You may however wish to see the whole strategy and environmental report before taking the online survey. You may access these through the 'related documents' section below. You are not required to give your name and you are free to... More
    Closed 4 December 2019
  • Draft Loirston Development Framework

    The Draft Loirston Development Framework provides a guide for the future development of the Loirston area of the City. The Aberdeen Local Development Plan 2017 has allocated land at Loirston for 1500 homes and 11 hectares of employment land, with associated community facilities. The development framework document was first produced in 2012 and has been recently updated in order to reflect changes in the local area and reflect current site delivery options. The development at Loirston... More
    Closed 9 December 2019
  • Draft Technical Advice Note: Materials - External building materials and their use in Aberdeen

    The Draft Technical Advice Note: Materials document provides a review of the historic and contemporary use of materials in Aberdeen and provides technical guidance on a selection of different cladding materials and detail that could be used in the external walls and roofs of new buildings across the city, which add to it’s sense of place and identity. More
    Closed 9 December 2019
  • Draft Local Planning Policy: Development Along Lanes

    The Draft Local Planning Policy: Development Along Lanes document provides planning policy for development along established lanes within the city centre, Albyn Place / Rubislaw conservation area and in new masterplanned areas in appropriate locations. This may be for residential or other complimentary uses. The recent increase in supply of 21st century purpose-built office accommodation within the city is driving an increase in historic property, originally built for... More
    Closed 9 December 2019
  • Berryden Corridor Improvement

    Background At the moment Great Northern Road, Berryden Road and adjoining streets act as a corridor between the city centre, the north of Aberdeen and beyond. The amount of traffic using this corridor means it is operating beyond its capacity leading to significant congestion and delays to journey times, for public transport and general traffic. There is also limited dedicated infrastructure for cyclists and a lack of consistent infrastructure for pedestrians. Consequently, there is a... More
    Closed 16 December 2019
  • A Guide to Integrated Children and Family Services 2019-2020 Feedback

    We would like your help to evaluate this guide. Please spend a few minutes giving your opinions so that we can improve the information provided to suit the needs of parents. We are particularly interested to know if there was information you needed as a parent which was not included. More
    Closed 31 December 2019
  • Maidencraig Phase 2

    The next phase of the Maidencraig project will include the extension of current Safe Routes to school with increased path widths of associated paths. The scheme will provide the opportunity for the community to interact with wildlife while allowing the active travel across the Den Burn Valley and to the Maidencraig Nature Reserve. More
    Closed 5 January 2020
  • Aberdeen City Council Transfer List Consultation

    We are seeking greater details about why our tenants are looking to move from their current Aberdeen City Council accommodation. We hope to use this information to provide better advice on what choices to make when registering on our Transfer List and determine if there are any common themes causing our tenants dissatisfaction with their tenancies. More
    Closed 6 January 2020
  • Developing an Electric Vehicle Framework for Aberdeen

    The Scottish Government has committed to phasing out the need for new petrol and diesel cars and vans by 2032. Encouraging a switch to Electric Vehicles (EVs) is seen as one of the ways in which this can be achieved. The Council has been working with funders and partners since 2011 to roll out EV charge points across Aberdeen in line with Scottish Government policy and to promote and encourage the introduction EVs. There are also many other EV charge points across the... More
    Closed 24 January 2020
  • Fixed Term Rent Policy Questionnaire 2019

    Tenant participation is about tenants having real opportunities to contribute to and influence all decisions relating to their homes and living conditions. We want to hear from you ....... Aberdeen City Council is currently consulting all tenants on the possible introduction of a new fixed term rent policy. The rent that you pay to Aberdeen City Council is held in an account known as the Housing Revenue Account (HRA). The money in this account can only be invested in housing... More
    Closed 31 January 2020
  • Aberdeen City and Aberdeenshire events calendar feedback

    The Aberdeen City and Aberdeenshire events calendar for 2019 and beyond has been in circulation for a number of months. We would like to invite you to comment on the short survey so we can gain your thoughts on the calendar and make changes where necessary. More
    Closed 31 January 2020
  • Engaging about Community Justice

    Justice for all - Putting Communities at the centre of Community Justice Community Justice partners in Aberdeen are working to improve outcomes for people involved in the Justice System, their families and communities. In order to inform this work, we want to find out your priorities, views and experiences and to learn from them. We also want to help communities better understand how the system and services work, to enable you to support this work and make our communities safer and... More
    Closed 3 February 2020
  • Promoting Good Mental Health Action Plan

    Aberdeen City Health and Social Care Partnership (ACHSCP) seeks your views on our action plan for community Mental Health in Aberdeen City. Aimed at Promoting Good Mental Health, the action plan has been developed in collaboration with partners and we now seek to formally consult on the plan to ensure the your views are represented and the plan is relevant to people in Aberdeen. You can view the action plan below and on the Aberdeen City Health and Social Care Partnership Website:... More
    Closed 4 February 2020
  • Active Travel Action Plan Refresh

    Aberdeen City Council currently has an Active Travel Action Plan (2017-2021), and many actions from this have been taken forward. However, the current Action Plan is heavily dependent on the Aberdeen Western Peripheral Route (AWPR) being completed for some of the actions to be carried out. Given that the AWPR is now complete and is beginning to influence traffic patterns and flows, coupled with the fact that the current Action Plan is halfway through its cycle, this is an opportune... More
    Closed 14 February 2020
  • Spectra 2020 Visitor Survey

    This is the Spectra 2020 visitor survey to assess and evaluate this years festival of light in Aberdeen. More
    Closed 28 February 2020
  • Emotional Abuse and Wellbeing survey

    Emotional Abuse and Wellbeing Survey More
    Closed 28 February 2020
  • Bridge of Dee West Active Travel (Walking, Wheeling & Cycling) Study

    Aberdeen City Council is investigating options to improve walking, wheeling and cycling within the Garthdee, Kaimhill and Braeside areas of Aberdeen. The key aims of the project are to: Create safer spaces for walking, wheeling and cycling. Increase the proportion of trips made by active travel modes. Enhance social inclusion within the local area. Ensure connectivity to the retail park, existing cycle infrastructure, places of work and education, and leisure trip... More
    Closed 2 March 2020
  • UDECIDE Torry 2020

    UDECIDE is our name for Participatory Budgeting in Torry. Participatory Budgeting (PB) is a way for people to have a direct say in how local money is spent. To find out more about any of these projects go to UDECIDE Torry 2020 Have your say and vote for your three top projects! All responses are completely anonymous and your information will not be shared. For more information on how we use your data visit UDecideYourData More
    Closed 8 March 2020
  • Bucksburn-Oldmachar Rezone

    Your input is needed as Aberdeen City Council continues to review its School Estate provision and establish clear priorities to effectively manage the Estate, in line with Scottish Government guidance. More
    Closed 15 March 2020
  • Bookbug Session Evaluation March 2020

    Parent/carer feedback from Bookbug sessions. More
    Closed 10 April 2020
  • Sexual Entertainment Venue Licensing (SEV)

    A consultation to gather opinion on the policy statement considerations relating to Sexual Entertainment Venues in Aberdeen City. ​ At present there is no legal requirement for Sexual Entertainment Venues to be licensed in Scotland other than under the Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005 ("the 2005 Act") for the sale of alcohol.​ However, in a recent case, the Court has decided that the licensing regime in the 2005 Act cannot extend to matters not directly linked to... More
    Closed 10 April 2020
  • Diversion Overview

    We would realy appreciate your feedback. More
    Closed 28 May 2020
  • Tackling Flytipping in the Printfield Area

    We need your help! Have your say about what you think about Printfield. We would like to collect information about: what you think of the area you live in what you know about flytipping what waste services are available to you as a resident living in the area what you would like to see change or improve regarding flytipping Your ideas about what you think might help in improving flytipping in Printfield. ... More
    Closed 31 May 2020
  • DPRangersSchoolsSurveyJan-Mar2020

    Dear Sir/Madam On behalf of the Duthie Park Ranger Service we would like to thank you for attending a workshop at Duthie Park. More
    Closed 31 May 2020
416 results. Page 4 of 14