Schoolhill Pilot Roads Project

Closed 10 Dec 2020

Opened 12 Nov 2020


Schoolhill is home to an important range of uses including the Aberdeen Art Gallery, the Opportunity North East Business Hub, the Triple Kirks residential redevelopment as well as a daily community of 2000 pupils and staff at Robert Gordon’s College and the wider amenities of Belmont St and the city centre. A broad range of regular users as well as visitors are drawn into the area and it is important that the place functions well for everyone.

Particularly during school drop-off and collection times the area experiences a high volume of private vehicles which when using the inset road for drop-off and collection will cause significant tailbacks and at other times in the day waiting restrictions are abused. To resolve these issues Aberdeen City Council are proposing to introduce a pilot project in Schoolhill for a period of 6 months to allow monitoring and evaluation to determine if the area can become more attractive and meet all its users’ needs.

We are running this public consultation from 12 November to 10 December and are seeking your opinions to shape the proposals.




  • Road Users


  • Traffic