Self Build Register

Closes 30 Jun 2028

Opened 6 Dec 2023


The Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997, as amended by the Planning Scotland Act 219 (Section 16E) requires planning authorities to prepare and maintain a list of people interested in acquiring land in the authority’s area for self-build housing, and to publish that information. 

Self-build housing is where a person commissions or is personally involved in the design and construction of a dwelling intended to be their main residence. It provides choice and the ability to tailor housing to suit an individual’s needs. This form of housing is supported by the Scottish Governments national planning policy

If you are interested acquiring land in the Aberdeen local authority area for the purpose of self-build please complete the register. We will use the information to develop planning and housing policy and guidance for Aberdeen. Registering interest does not form an obligation for the Council to find or offer land for such purposes.

Why your views matter

Completion of this form is for the purposes on maintaining the list of persons interested in self-build as required by the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997, as amended by the Planning (Scotland) Act 2019. 

Aberdeen City Council may use this information in the preparation of future plans and policy. Registering interest does not form an obligation for the Council to find or offer land for such purposes.

If you wish to be removed from the register or have any of your details amended, then please make contact by e-mail.  

Give us your views


  • All Residents


  • Planning