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416 results

  • Restricting promotions of food and drink high in fat, sugar or salt ACHSCP consultation

    Improving diet and levels of healthy weight remains a public health priority for this Government. As part of a range of action to improve diet, and help create a food environment which better supports healthier choices, we remain committed to restricting promotions of food and drink high in fat, sugar or salt (HFSS) at the point of purchase. This consultation seeks views on the detail of proposed regulations to restrict the promotions of HFSS foods where they are sold to the public,... More
    Opened 29 April 2024
  • Cairncry Confidence to cook post-session questionnaire

    Confidence to Cook Programme Week 6 Post-course questionnaire for participants Venue: Cairncry Community Centre Date: 24/ 02 /24 - 18 /05/ 24 Please note that all responses to this questionnaire will remain anonymous. More
    Opened 4 May 2024
  • Health Improvement Fund - Screening Panel Members 2024

    This form is for individuals who are interested in becoming a part of the Health Improvement Fund application screening panel. You will be integral in identifying which projects meet the funding criteria and will be successful in their funding bid! This is an exciting opportunity to directly influence what goes on in your community! For any further queries, please get in touch - *This form may close early if we receive lots of interest. More
    Opened 13 May 2024
  • A947 Multi-Modal Corridor Study Consultation

    Following on from an initial Scottish Transport Appraisal Guidance (STAG) based appraisal of options for improving transport connections, in particular public transport and active travel (walking, wheeling and cycling), carried out in 2022, Aberdeen City Council has now progressed to a detailed appraisal of options and an Outline Business Case STAG appraisal for the A947 Dyce corridor between Bucksburn Roundabout and Parkhill Junction. Please find below a map of the study corridor. ... More
    Opened 20 May 2024
  • Healthy Eating Week campaign 2024 consent form

    ‘#Give it a go’ this Healthy Eating Week 2024 The campaign is supported by British Nutrition Foundation and highlights good practices in food and drink in social and healthcare around the world. Good nutrition and hydration are important to maintain good physical and mental health and well-being. Having a variety of foods from the main food groups (carbohydrates, fruits and vegetables, high protein foods and dairy and alternatives) ensures we get all the vitamins, minerals and... More
    Opened 21 May 2024
  • Robert Gordon University Student Placement request

    Your application will take approximately 9 minutes to complete. Many thanks for your interest in our student placement programme Please complete the form below for each placement opportunity to enable us to take plans forward and identify relevant staff members to support your request. Thank you in advance and we look forward to supporting your organisation More
    Opened 21 May 2024
  • Summer in the City 2024

    Who Can Apply? Funding is now available to community groups across the city to supplement the delivery of activities to children and young during the Summer school holidays. If you would like to apply please read the information below. A Community Group is defined as group or organisation that is based in or operating in a community within the city. Please note, this applicaton is not for parents. What is the criteria? This is Aberdeen City Council Funding. The... More
    Opened 22 May 2024
  • Qualitative research training feedback

    Thank you for watching the qualitative research methods training video. We hope that you found it useful and worthwhile. Please take 5 minutes to complete the below evaluation to let us know what worked for you – and what could be improved for future training videos. Please email any questions to . Thank you! More
    Opened 23 May 2024
  • Sign Up: Learning Together 4 Better Lives | HDRC Aberdeen

    Monday 4th November has been chosen as the date for the Health Determinants Research Collaboration (HDRC) Aberdeen's conference, which will be named Learning Together 4 Better Lives. The event, intended for public & 3rd sector professionals/practitioners, community members and researchers/academics, will be held at the Beach Ballroom. The programme is still being developed, but attendees can expect to connect with local experts on a range of health-impacting topics such as food... More
    Opened 23 May 2024
  • Cook and Chat Torry pre session questionnaire

    Confidence to Cook Programme- Week 1 Pre-course questionnaire for participants ( Cook, Taste and Share) Cook 'n' Chat Torry is a cooking class for anyone who would like to learn how to make tasty wholesome meals using simple nutritious recipes. The sessions will include: A hands-on practical cooking experience where you will make, taste, and take away the meal you have made. Fun quizzes and games and time to chat about things such as nutrition,... More
    Opened 27 May 2024
  • Dyce Bucksburn Secondary School Provision Feasibility Study - Spring/Summer 2024

    The Council is carrying out a feasibility study, to assess the requirements and potential options for the long term provision of secondary education to serve the communities of Dyce and Bucksburn. We are inviting comments and feedback from pupils, parents, staff, community groups and all other stakeholders, on the options available, and the potential impact of these options on individual schools and communities. This valuable feedback will be used to help inform the outcomes of the... More
    Opened 28 May 2024
  • Saturday Kitchen pre session questionnaire

    Confidence to Cook Programme- Week 1 Pre-course questionnaire for participants ( Cook, Taste and Share) Please note that all responses to this questionnaire will remain anonymous. More
    Opened 29 May 2024
  • Gardner Green Space 2024

    Aberdeen City Council's Community Development Team want to work in partnership with local people to develop green spaces where they live. This project is focussed on supporting local residents to improve the outdoor spaces in four blocks of flats situated between Gardner Crescent and Gardner Road area. We would like to know what your thoughts and ideas are for improving this space. We hope to form a group of interested residents to help support and shape a project. Any... More
    Opened 31 May 2024
  • Unpaid Carers Support Services: A Review for Aberdeen City

    ‘A City for All Carers’ Aberdeen City Health and Social Care Partnership (ACHSCP) is responsible for overseeing unpaid Carer support services in Aberdeen. These services are for both younger and adult Carers. We have a seperate providers for the younger Carer and adult Carer services. More
    Opened 5 June 2024
  • Health Improvement Fund 2024 - Screening Panel (Localities)

    If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to get in touch via More
    Opened 6 June 2024
  • Health Improvement Fund 2024 - Screening Panel (Citywide)

    If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to get in touch via More
    Opened 6 June 2024
  • Family Food and Fun

    Confidence to Cook Programme Week 1 Pre-course questionnaire for participants Venue: Cairncry Community Centre Dates: Sat 24 th August – 28 th August Morning session- 10:00 am- 12:00 noon Afternoon session- 1:00pm -3:00pm 2 nd course Sat 2 nd Nov- Sat 7 th Dec Morning session- 10:00 am- 12:00 noon ... More
    Opened 14 June 2024
  • Copy of Family Food and Fun- Cairncry Community Centre

    Confidence to Cook Programme Week 1 Pre-course questionnaire for participants Venue: Cairncry Community Centre Dates: Sat 24 th August – 28 th August Morning session- 10:00 am- 12:00 noon Afternoon session- 1:00pm -3:00pm 2 nd course Sat 2 nd Nov- Sat 7 th Dec Morning session- 10:00 am- 12:00 noon ... More
    Opened 14 June 2024
  • Cultural Investment Framework Consultation 2024

    Early this year Councillors issued an instruction to revise Council cultural funding processes to ensure the priorities and objectives of funding was more clear and the decision making process more transparent. Around the same time the refreshed Aberdeen Local Outcome Improvement Plan (LOIP) was published setting out the collective vision for all Aberdonians to thrive, regardless of background and circumstances. Aberdeen City Council are now consulting on draft... More
    Opened 17 June 2024
  • Household Car Parking Survey

    Aberdeen City Council invites residents to express their preferences and habits in terms of parking at their property and/or their utilisation of other sustainable modes of transport. The collated data will be considered in terms of future iterations of the Aberdeen Planning Guidance on Transport and Accessibility that provides direction on parking standards associated with residential development. All data collected within this survey is anonymous and being processed exclusively for the... More
    Opened 28 June 2024
  • Westhill to Aberdeen - Active Travel Improvements

    Aberdeen City Council, in partnership with Aberdeenshire Council and Nestrans, is looking at opportunities for transport improvements between Westhill and Aberdeen. We are currently seeking the views of members of the public and stakeholders on proposals to improve routes for walking, wheeling and cycling. More
    Opened 5 July 2024
  • Young Carers Post-Session Questionnaire

    Confidence to Cook Programme Week 5 Post-course questionnaire for participants Venue: Cook at the Nook CFINE Date: 02/04/2024 Please note that all responses to this questionnaire will remain anonymous. More
    Opened 15 July 2024
  • Young Carers Food Skills pre session-questionnaire

    Confidence to Cook Programme Week 1 Pre-course questionnaire for participants More
    Opened 15 July 2024
  • Heritage & Place Programme Skills Audit- Building Professionals and Consultants Survey

    If you work on traditional buildings, structures or collections in Aberdeen city and Aberdeenshire then we’d love to hear where we should be targeting funding for training and skills development. More
    Opened 22 July 2024
  • Heritage & Place Programme Skills Audit - Trades and Contractors Survey

    This survey is for trades and building contractors who are based in Aberdeen City and Aberdeenshire. If your company also provides professional services (design, QS, engineering, object conservation etc.) in support of the construction industry and traditional buildings, please also complete the Consultants Survey. More
    Opened 22 July 2024
  • Accessing Money Advice and Advisory Services

    We are conducting a survey to understand the challenges faced by individuals in accessing advice and financial services in Aberdeen. Your responses will help us identify key issues and improve services. This survey is anonymous and confidential. More
    Opened 9 August 2024
416 results. Page 14 of 14