Draft Aberdeen City Local Outcome Improvement Plan: Refreshed 2021
Community Planning Aberdeen (CPA) is the strategic partnership for public, private and third sector organisations working together and with communities to improve outcomes across the City. Our shared Aberdeen City Local Outcome Improvement Plan (LOIP) sets out a vision for Aberdeen as 'a place where all people can prosper' regardless of a person's background or circumstances. It is refreshed every two years to ensure we are on track to achieve this vision in light of current circumstances. This draft plan has been developed against the backdrop of the Covid-19 and takes into account data and insights gathered about the impact of the pandemic now and in the future.
The LOIP is underpinned by three Locality Plans for the North, South and Central areas of Aberdeen. The draft Locality Plans are also out for consultation and you are encouraged to review the draft LOIP in conjunction with the Locality Plans.
Why your views matter
In March 2021 we consulted the public on what should be included in the LOIP through our online values simulator. The simulator asked citizens to allocate points to the improvement projects which they thought would make the greatest difference to the recovery of the City for people and communities.
This draft refreshed plan reflects our understanding of what is important to communities and what we believe to be our priorities for partnership working following the Covid-19 pandemic. Members of the community involved with the Civic Forum, Locality Empowerment Groups and Priority Neighbourhood Partnerships have been engaged throughout the development process.
This consultation gives all citizens the opportunity to comment on the draft plan before it is considered by the Community Planning Aberdeen Board on 7 July 2021.
What happens next
We will use your feedback to finalise our plan and take forward our improvement projects. The LOIP is a high level document, so some detailed feedback might be more visable in how we are taking forward the improvement projects within the plan. You can find out more about our current improvement projects by going to https://communityplanningaberdeen.org.uk/improvement-projects/.
We would love you to get involved in helping take forward the new projects within the refreshed LOIP. There are many ways you can do this. Please contact communityplanning@aberdeencity.gov.uk to express your interest.
- Anyone from any background
- Economic Development
- Business Support
- Community Safety
- Community Planning
- Policies and Strategies
- Digital and Technology
- Benefits and Grants
- Housing Benefit
- Welfare Reform
- Adult and Community Education
- Primary Schools
- Secondary Schools
- Biodiversity
- Environment
- Waste and Recycling
- Sustainable Development
- Climate Change
- Natural Heritage
- Parks and Open Spaces
- Sport and Activities
- Cycling
- Transport
- Travel
- Walking
- Adults and Older People
- Children and Families
- Health and Wellbeing
- Mental Health
- Land
- Planning
- Public Space
- Regeneration
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